Thursday, May 1, 2008

Passports, please: Macau

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Isaac decided to search Hong Kong Central for a Snow White costume (the sole request of his young daughter in Mexico City), so Sarah and I struck out for more distance environs, via the TurboJet ferry to Macau, an hour away.

This is an interesting city. The Portuguese influence is pronounced, given their presence centuries ago. From the beautifully tiled streets to Wedgewood-like building facades, it’s almost as if you travel from Asia to Europe in the span of a block or two...right before you run head long into Las Vegas. The number of American casinos that have sprung up on the island (where, unlike Hong Kong, this types of gambling is legal) is enough to make your head spin.

China celebrates Labor Day on May 1st, so the streets were jammed everywhere with holiday revelers. Must admit, it certainly added a party-like spirit to the day.