Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It’s a Small World: Chapter 2

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It’s one thing to run into a fellow Minnesotan or two on the Great Wall (yeah, an understatement, I know).

It’s quite another to be strolling along, deep in conversation, when someone runs up, taps you on the shoulder, and says “Hey, I thought you were going to the Great Wall today!”

Yup. It happened.

A woman I met at the Pearl Market yesterday remembered our conversation, including my plans to see the Wall this morning. I told her we’d just come from there. She wished me a happy birthday (remembered that too), and was off.

Holly, of course, was initially stunned, looking at me as if a third eye had grown from the middle of my forehead. Then she stopped. Shrugged. Smiled. And said “Cinda, you know everyone in China.”

Not quite. But I’m working on it.