Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Beijing, Baby

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Several of my books about Beijing explained that until fairly recently, the Chinese didn’t recognize or acknowledge the wealth of historic treasures they had at their fingertips. Since then, they’ve become the largest tourism group, soaking up the sights as enthusiastically as those of us who traveled from half way around the world.

Also mentioned was a propensity for taking pictures...with foreign tourists. Specifically, with American women.

So it didn’t surprise me when a pretty, college-aged Chinese woman approached me, speaking in good English, to inquire as to whether or not I’d be willing to have my photo taken with her uncle...who claimed to be quite taken with me.

I jumped in with both feet, and had a blast. It didn’t stop there, though. After Uncle, then his brother wanted a photo, so we shot another. Next, a cousin wanted a photo, so click away. Holly was shooting with my camera while the niece and the aunts were snapping away with theirs. Felt like a little paparazzi session, right there on the shores of Kunming Lake.

The second uncle, upon seeing the nephew jump in, smiled warmly and referred to me as “Mei Guo Lao Mei.” Since Holly also smiled, I figured whatever it meant was okay. After the farewells were said, she translated for me:

Old Sister.

Huh. Not quite what a 48-year-old woman wants to hear on the day of that particular birthday.

Turns out it’s actually a complement of warmth, “old sister” being a term you’d use to refer to someone you’re fond of.

Turns out that I can live with.