Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jet Lag Limbo

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh, Lord, do I have a new appreciation for people who fly around the world constantly. Jet lag is killing me.

Day one, I was great. Well, maybe not "great," but not flat on my back. Well, not unless you count the two hour nap that afternoon since I nearly fell asleep (a) sitting at the DMV, (b) in the checkout line at Byerly's, and (c) while on Highway 100 coming home. Still, even with the nap, I fell right asleep at 11:00 p.m., and woke up just before the alarm went off.

Day two, even better. Up before the alarm. To bed at 11:00. Slept like a baby.

Day three? Death.

Got up before the alarm again (should have explained, that's my normal pattern), but caved in and took a four hour nap yesterday afternoon, in spite of superhuman efforts not to.

Woke up at 6:00 p.m....and was wide-awake-alert until 7:30 this morning. My body is officially back on China time.

I call Jenn, who travels the world with regularity. She explains that, basically, for every hour of time zone shift, you need to figure one full day of recovery.


That's thirteen days. Thirteen days I don't have. I leave for New York--for the National Stationery Show, no less--in one week.

I'm doomed.