Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You aren’t alone out there

Sometimes, it’s the headlines alone. Sometimes, it’s the juxtaposition of two in a publication.

This time, it’s all of the above.

In Gifts & Dec’s weekly email newsletter, the following two stories appeared, back to back:

EBay Lays Off 1,000
Big Retailers Laying Off in Time for Christmas

At first glance, this doesn’t feel like good news. my opinion, it is.

Think about it-—if big boxes are short staffed, that means customer frustration as they search high and low for someone to help them (already a major problem in several stores, especially Macy’s here in Minneapolis, where I’m convinced they train salespeople to hide in back). The more frustration, the better. Given how short consumers’ fuses are bound to be this holiday season (stress, stress, stress), any retailer who provides a sincere smile, great service, and a willingness to help will be a heaven-sent blessing.

And who does that better than small, independent retailers?

I know you’re stressed too. And I know you’re tiring of my constant “be positive” chanting. But folks, trust me-—this holiday season is going to be all about Mashed Potato Marketing and the psychology behind it.

Fortunately, being positive doesn’t require an invoice. Thank God.