Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Trip, Curtis, and a Visit to the Other Side

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Hong Kong

After the seminar, Trip and Curtis (his trusty side kick at Wellspring and Sultan of All Things Supply Side) invited me to walk the show with them, checking out product, design ideas, and vendors they worked with. If not for a solemn pinky swear that everything seen/discussed/smelled/felt/injested was top secret, I’d tell you all sorts of cool things you’d love to hear.

But alas, I can’t. Gotta keep the good stuff under wraps so they can wow you with it later.

Without question, that was some of the most fun I’ve had on the show floor. Seeing the world through the eyes of a vendor gives you a whole new appreciation for where things come from. These two are creative souls who truly enjoy everyone around them (and visa versa). It was a kick—and a privilege—getting to walk the show with them.

Did drinks with both at their hotel later on; dinner with Trip after that. My creative wheels are spinning now, boys. ‘Nuff said, or we’ve have to hurt someone’s pinky.